Some employees and executives believe that all human rights claims can only be advanced before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO). This isn’t always the case.

In Ontario, you may sue your employer in court if your human rights, protected by the Human Rights Code, have been violated. When you add human rights claims to an employment action, it can have a significant impact on the value of a case for several reasons:

  • Damage awards imposed by the courts are higher than if your case is brought before the HRTO
  • The court process is much quicker than before the HRTO, where you may wait 5+ years before your case proceeds to a hearing.
  • For employers, now more than ever, there is a negative stigma associated with being labelled a human rights violator. Such a finding and pronouncement by a Judge can seriously and negatively impact a corporation’s business reputation. Corporations are increasingly concerned with negative press and any potential harm to their corporate image and brand, as they should be.
  • Did you know that a Statement of Claim is a public document accessible by anyone who wants to go to the court office, including the media and other third parties? The media, in particular, are well versed in “how to pull a court file” to understand the exact nature of the legal claims and defences being made in a proceeding. While it is possible to obtain pleadings (complaints and responses) from an administrative tribunal, like the HRTO, the process is more complicated.

Human Rights Lawyer

If you need a human rights lawyer, contact John Evans.

With 30 years of experience as a practising litigation/employment/labour lawyer, John is focused on achieving the very best results for his clients. He has fine-tuned his skills and mastered the art of persuasion. With his stellar reputation, John holds the respect of the lawyers he acts against. Smart, tactical and a particularly quick study, John is committed to exceeding his clients’ expectations.

Contact Evans Law Firm

Contact Evans Law Firm today for a free no-obligation consultation with a human rights lawyer. Sometimes time limits can bar an otherwise good claim from being advanced. Please don’t delay and contact us as soon as possible. There is no cost until John is formally retained and a written retainer agreement is in place.